FHELC is home to twelve beautiful horses, representing a variety of breeds, colors, ages and personalities. More than half of our horses have been generously donated to the program by horse owners who truly wanted to see their beloved horses helping people heal and grow. Our horses receive top-quality care, with regular veterinary checkups, massages, chiropractic care, dental work, and generally a lot of love from our clients, volunteers, and staff. Many of our horses came to us hoping for a second chance at life. Due to injuries or age, these horses could no longer continue as show horses or work horses on the ranch. A therapeutic environment is often the perfect retirement job for an aging equine, as the work is low impact.

FHELC will consider renting horses to individuals who may need a temporary home for their horse. This allows the person to retain ownership of their horse, while the horse continues to exercise and receive care until the owner can take it back home. FHELC also uses rescued horses that have been rehabilitated and retrained in order to provide equine-assisted services.

To provide the best care for our equine companions, FHELC relies on donations and sponsors to keep our animals healthy and feeling their best for their important work. You can fully sponsor a horse for 250.00 a month, this helps cover most of the horse’s routine feeding and care. Donations of any size for horse care are accepted and appreciated! Several of the horses are available and awaiting sponsorship. Please see the donation page for more details on horse sponsorship and Barn Buddy benefits.


Have an incredibly positive impact on the lives of people in our community!



American Quarter Horse
DOB 2018
Angel is partially sponsored

Angel is a rescue horse, with a personality to match her name (most of the time). Angel has been a member of the FaithfulHearts herd since we opened in 2020. She loves to be groomed and pampered, and will work very hard for her human partner in return! Angel is young, athletic and enjoys challenging exercises and is a great fit for clients who want to step up their skills. She can also work with younger/beginner clients in a more relaxed setting as well. Angel has a few extra supplements in her diet that she needs to keep her healthy.



American Quarter Horse
DOB 2004
Angus is available for sponsorship

Angus was generously donated to FHELC in April of 2024.  We are so very blessed by this sweet old gelding!  Everyone who has met Angus absolutely adores him, with his welcoming nicker, smooth as butter gaits and docile nature, he is a perfect addition to the FH herd.  Angus has a very calm and confident presence in our herd which seems to draw people to him.  He spent his younger years as a trail riding partner in northern Colorado. Now in his golden years he will be showered with attention and teach people to become confident equestrians.  Due to his age Angus will need a little extra TLC and supplements to keep him feeling his best.


Quarter Pony Crossbreed
DOB 2020
Beau is available for sponsorship

Beau is the newest member of the FaithfulHearts herd, joining us in October of 2023.  Beau has a sweet playful personality, loves children and enjoys any attention from humans. He will be the first one to greet you in the pasture. Beau is just beginning his career as an equine assisted activity partner and is doing excellent working with people who are new to horses. A fun fact about Beau, is he is often seen with his lower lip drooping, giving him a comical appearance!


Appendix Quarter Horse
DOB 2019
Cowboy is fully sponsored

Cowboy recently joined the FaithfulHearts herd in the fall of 2023. As a trail partner before he came to us, Cowboy has been there and done that at the Garden of the Gods! Cowboy enjoys interacting with humans and is in your pocket most of the time. In addition to learning the basics of being a therapy partner, Cowboy is also learning the gymkhana patterns, and will be a great step up for our clients who are ready to advance their skills!


American Quarter Horse
DOB 2007
Crockett is available for sponsorship

Crockett joined the FaithfulHearts herd in January 2022. Crockett is no stranger to hard work! He had spent his younger years working cattle, packing in the mountains and performing in Playday shows, until an old injury caught up with him. Crockett’s owners made the difficult decision to donate him to FaithfulHearts where the low impact work of therapeutic riding would not aggravate his old injury. Crockett keeps us entertained with his antics, he can be seen in the pasture usually with a tree branch hanging out of his mouth, chasing another horse with it!


Gypsy Vanner
DOB 2018
Denali is available for sponsorship

Denali was donated to FaithfulHearts in 2022, and most of FaithfulHearts clients fell in love with him. He is every little girl’s dream horse, with his flowing mane and tail and coal black coat. He resembles a horse out of a storybook fantasy! With all that hair comes a lot of maintenance and upkeep, so Denali’s wish is that he would have his own personal groom! His laid-back personality and smaller size make him an excellent horse for younger children! He loves treats, and during his very first experience in a parade, he was completely unconcerned with the crowd and noise, and was only concerned about eating the candy that was thrown!


American Miniature Horse
DOB 2020
Misty is available for partial sponsorship

Misty came to FaithfulHearts in the summer of 2022. Misty’s primary role in the program was to be a companion and community outreach partner, since she cannot be ridden. Misty is only 33 inches tall, and she was originally bred to be trained to lead the blind. We fell in love with Misty’s outgoing and spunky personality. She can run with the big horses, and make herself seen and heard! Misty’s contribution to the program is extremely valuable as she instills confidence in younger, or timid clients as they learn the skills they need to handle the full-size horses!  Sometimes she is even more challenging than the big horses! Misty will eventually be taught to pull a cart, adding another unique experience for our clients to enjoy!


Neo (The Moose)

OTTB- (Off-Track Thoroughbred)
DOB 2016
Neo is available for sponsorship

Neo arrived with Angus to FHELC in April of 2024, Neo is basically the polar opposite of Angus…Neo is tall, lean, and much more reserved.  But as Neo got used to his new home he showed us that he has a very sweet temperament, loves attention from humans, and seems to be a people pleaser!  This guy has a heart as big as he is!  Being off the track, Neo has more go than whoa right now, but he is showing us that he is a very fast learner, and really loves to work!  Neo is also super gentle and displays wonderful ground manners.  Neo is available for sponsorship.


American Quarter Horse
DOB 2001
Jack is available for full sponsorship

Jack is one of the original herd members of FaithfulHearts, he is a very special horse and a favorite of many clients. Originally a rescue horse at age 4, he was rehabilitated and re-trained to become a very competitive team penning, and gymkhana horse, then later trained for lower-level dressage. Not only was Jack an amazing competitor he had a heart of gold, loved children, and has been used to giving riding lessons since he was 5 years old. Now he is nearing retirement, he still gives very light work lessons every week, but he mostly enjoys pets and cuddles from his humans! Due to his age, he needs extra TLC and supplements to keep him healthy.


DOB 2010
Schroeder is fully sponsored

Schroeder joined FaithfulHearts’ herd in the summer of 2023. Not much is known about his history as he was acquired from a local equine rescue where he was rehabilitated from severe malnourishment and neglect. Once Schroeder was healthy it was discovered that he had been a racehorse, and then a jumper, who was very well trained. Schroder is as sweet and kind as he can be, despite his ordeal. He has made an absolutely wonderful addition to the herd with his gentle nature and willing attitude. Schroeder is the largest horse at FaithfulHearts, which can be a little intimidating until you meet him, he will put his head right at your level, ready to be your partner!


American Paint Horse
DOB 2007
Snort is available for sponsorship

Snort has been with FaithfulHearts since it began in 2020. Snort is a great horse for many different clients with his slow, smooth, high-quality movements and lots of “buttons”. Snort has been a performance horse and lesson horse since he was 4 years old. He is a lot of fun for clients learning more advanced horsemanship skills! Snort has a unique quality that makes him a great addition to the program. He seems to know exactly how much he should challenge the client who is working with him to help them learn and grow in a positive way.  Fun fact about Snort is that he loves for people to “baby talk” to him. He also loves to let you know when he wants scratches and pets! Once you bond with him, you have a buddy for life.


Thoroughbred Crossbreed
DOB 2010
Tater is available for sponsorship

Tater joined FaithfulHearts in the fall of 2022. Rescued by a FaithfulHearts board member, Tater was brought back to health and then donated to the program. Tater had a lot to overcome, as very little was known about his past or his training. We realized that Tater was displaying signs of having undergone some past trauma. Little by little he started to settle in and work in the program. Tater embodies the mission of FaithfulHearts – that healing does happen when connections are nurtured and fostered in a loving environment. Tater is being ridden and worked on a regular basis now, and learning to overcome his past. He really enjoys attention from clients and loves to have his face scratched!